16 Days of Activism 2024

Dear Sisters in ATTWI,
We invite all theologically educated women in India to join in the “16 Days of Activism to end gender-based Violence” Campaign of 2024.

We encourage all theologically trained women to initiate actions in various forms through out the 16 Days of Activism, from 25 Nov – 10 Dec 2024, that will raise our voices to end gender- based violence (GBV) both in our churches and in society.

We have put together a series of five posters plus one “Campaign Call” poster to kick-off the Campaign. The posters could be used to raise awareness about the #16Days Campaign and the issue of GBV. You could use it as resource material, for social media campaign, and in print as you may see fit.

The posters introduce the campaign, the history of the campaign, the types of GBV, ideas for what we can do, and details the 2024 theme for the 16 Days which is: “UNiTE TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN & GIRLS: Towards Beijing +30”

Your actions could take many forms: awareness about VAW/GBV through special liturgies, workshops, Bible studies, sermons, art, poetry & elocution competitions on the issue, rallies, protest marches, lobbying with your institutions and work places for policies that will prevent sexual harassment and assure ‘zero-tolerance’ to GBV, special services/liturgies for survivors of GBV, expert-counselling for survivors of GBV, and many more.

We would like to hear more about whatever initiatives you may organise as theologically trained women and members of ATTWI for the 16 Days of Activism. So please do post pictures and short reports in the “ATTWI Family” WhatsApp group as well as in the ATTWI Facebook page

Together Let us Rise to End Gender-based Violence during the 16 Days of Activism, and Always!

#16Days #EndGBV #Beijing30 #ChurchesZeroToleranceToGBV

In Solidarity,
Jessica Richard
President – ATTWI

Posters as jpg for social media, as standard pdf for sharing, and as print friendly pdf can be downloaded here.