In the 45th year of her existence, the XIII General Assembly of the Association of Theologically Trained Women of India, with the theme “Reimaging Our Potential,” saw members from various parts of India coming together for fellowship, celebration, and planning together to move forward as an Association.

The inaugural service led by the President Rev. Jyothi Sunder and the Acting Secretary & Treasurer Rev. Salome Joshua, and the Regional Secretaries of ATTWI (2020-May 2024) set the tone for the deliberations of the two days.

Ms. Esther Kathiroli, the Secretary of Tamil Nadu Council of Churches shared greetings and was felicitated as the guest of honour during the service.

Rev. Salome Joshua led the members down memory lane. She remembered the pioneers who were instrumental in building the ATTWI and she thanked God for the legacy of women leaders who led ATTWI over the years. Her outlining of the history of ATTWI recalled Rev Shanti Solomon, Herbert Hoeffer and other pioneers, and highlighted of the glorious acts of ATTWI in the past, and this was a great inspiration to those present. It left all the members with much to ponder upon regarding the unity and strength of our theologically trained foremothers over the years.

Along the lines of honouring our foremothers, the Assembly remembered with thanks the lives of those who had passed on in the last four years and a prayer was offered for their lives and the consolation of the bereaved families.
Rev. Jyothi Singh, Executive Secretary of Women Concerns, National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), delivered the keynote address on “Embracing Our Identity as Women of God,” painting the broad strokes of the tapestry of issues and causes that called to us as theologically trained women who had embraced our identity as women of God.

The Bible study session was moderated by former Secretary, Dr N. Prasuna. Dr. Vedhakani, former New Testament Professor, Masters Theological College, led the members gathered in a powerful Bible study on the theme “Reimaging Our Potential” based on the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42. Emphasising the discipleship of women and highlighting that Mary and Elizabeth were the first to understand Jesus as the Christ, she declared that only when women journeyed beyond the domestic boxes and roles assigned to them, and dared to lay claim on roles denied to them, would it be possible to ‘reimage’ our potential.

The first session on “Discovering Our Unique Calling and Gifts and Overcoming Barriers and Challenges,” was presented by Ms. Jessica Richard, National Co-ordinator, Engage Disability and moderated by Rev Angela Veronica. Reimagining the concept of “calling” Jessica uplifted the sacredness of all vocations, the necessity to understand “Self” without social conditioning before one seeks their true calling, and the need to reimagine our traditional understanding of “God’s will” to truly discover our unique callings. She ended with biblical passages from the New Testament and biblical women characters who could show ways to overcome barriers and challenges with courage.

The second session was a panel moderated by Dr Laila Vijayan, Associate Professor of Old Testament, UTC, Bangalore. One of the panellists Ms. Dakerlin Mukhim, General Secretary, Student Christian Movement of India, delivered her talk on “Unveiling Our Potential – Stories of Empowerment Crafting Action Plans for Personal and Collective growth.” Declaring that women’s stories are the basis of our theology, she called on the Assembly of women to acknowledge to ourselves that “we are enough,” set clear goals that serve each of us, prioritise both our physical and mental wellbeing, and to embrace failure as a learning opportunity.
Ms. Elizabeth Giri, Doctoral student at Gurukul Lutheran Theological College, spoke on the topic, “Developing Leadership for Effective Ministry.” She highlighted the barriers in effective leadership, the most significant of which was ‘stained glass ceilings’ that women in the Church continually needed to break. She then uplifted strategies that could lead to success, and qualities of a true leader that included: identifying our identity in relation to God, ourselves, and to those we serve; exercising authority and responsibility in ways that are less hierarchical and more collaborative; taking bold initiatives; and equipping oneself on an ongoing basis.

Rev. Dr. Asir Ebenezer, General Secretary of National Council of Churches in India, brought greetings to the Assembly from NCCI as well as on behalf of the other partners of ATTWI – BTESSC and the Senate of Serampore. Prof. Samuel Cornelius, the Hon. Treasurer, CSI Diocese of Madras, felicitated the Assembly and read greetings from the host of the Assembly, Rt. Rev. Sharma Nithyananda, the Bishop-in-Charge, CSI Diocese of Madras, who could not be present. President Rev Jyothi Sundar and Treasurer Rev Salome Joshua recorded their thanks to the CSI Diocese of Madras for magnanimously hosting hospitality for the XIII Assembly of ATTWI at the CSI LITE Centre.

In the evening a prolonged discussion on many business matters of ATTWI took place and decisions were taken on plans for progress to address lingering issues, and to secure a better future for ATTWI.
In a three-hour long discussion after Rev Jyothi Sundar’s President’s report, the Assembly grappled with many issues related to the financial systems and legal documents of ATTWI.

The President and outgoing committee were appreciated for the hard work done to take forward ATTWI despite all the existing challenges. The open discussion ably facilitated by the President on these contentious issues was a meaningful discussion paving the way to find next steps to address them. The Assembly could make certain resolutions to overcome these challenges. The Secretary’s Report was presented and received with appreciation. The Treasurer’s repot was also presented on day two and was received by the Assembly. The reports of Regional Secretaries printed in the Handbook were also received with appreciation.
Day two of the Assembly began with a solemn Eucharist Service led by Rev. Jyothi Sunder with Rev. Jessie Ranjan as the celebrant, and assisted by Rev Kirubaikumari Aruldass and Rev Angela Veronica.

The sermon was delivered by Rt. Rev. Kathiroli Manikam, the Bishop in Chennai, Evangelical Church of India. The abiding significance of the symbol of a woman in episcopal leadership, which many of our churches are still fighting for, was visible in the eagerness of the gathering to flock around Bishop Kathiroli for a group photo to mark the occasion.

It was significant to note that while in session the Assembly also received news of the Rt. Rev. Violet Nayak being consecrated in the Diocese of Phulbani as the first woman bishop of the Church of North India (CNI), and the news that the Presbyterian Church of India had made a decision to provisionally ordain the theologically trained women in their midst.
The President of ATTWI Rev Jyoti Sundar announced the launch of the ATTWI website ( and inaugurated it in the name of the Triune God. ATTWI is immensely thankful to the partnership of NCCI Communication Department and the services of Ms. Neelam Gaikwad in the design and creation of the website.

A Souvenir mug with the ATTWI logo commemorating the 45th year and the XIII Assembly was joyfully distributed to all present.

Following the constituting of the Assembly in the name of the Triune God by the President Rev Jyoti Sundar, the official nominations from the Nominations Committee were presented to the Assembly and the XIII Assembly then commenced the process of election of new office bearers for the Triennium (2024-2027).

The newly elected Office Bearers are:
- President: Ms. Jessica Richard
- Vice President: Ms. Dakerlin Mukhim
- Secretary: Rev. Sofia Christabel
- Treasurer: Dr. Laila Vijayan
- The Regional Secretaries elected in the Assembly:
- Andhra Pradesh – Ms. Shantha Kumari
- Kerala – Ms. Minitha
- Karnataka – Vacant
- North 2- Ms Elizabeth Giri
- Tamil Nadu – Dr Vedakani
- Telangana- Ms. Elizabeth Aharone
Regional Secretaries for Karnataka, North 1, and North East 1 & 2 are to be appointed by the Executive Committee.
(Regional Secretaries for Andhra Pradesh and Telangana who were elected by the Assembly have since expressed their inability to serve as such, therefore their place remains vacant and will be appointed by the new Executive Committee.)
The Assembly ended with the new team of officers being installed and prayed over by the outgoing President Rev Jyothi Sundar.

The incoming President Ms. Jessica Richard conveyed thanks to the outgoing officers for meticulously conducting the election and successfully bringing the Assembly to a close, and requested members from the floor to briefly make suggestions for the programmatic foci to take ATTWI forward.

The outgoing President and Treasurer conveyed their thanks to all members who had collaborated to make the XIII Assembly of ATTWI possible. Special thanks was recorded to the two recording secretaries of the Assembly Rev Eunice Rajamathi and Rev Jacqueline Purnima. Heartfelt thanks were also recorded to the staff team at CSI LITE Centre, Chennai.