What could intergenerational solidarity among women look like and how do we work on it intentionally? How can we be a community of women who can hold on to each other even as we call each other out when we fall short of our shared vision for feminist leadership? How do we band together to become the voice to represent the concerns of theologically trained women to our churches’ leadership strategically? The need to amplify our own achievements as women and build each other up by sharing the achievements of theologically trained sisters among us. The need for ATTWI to become a repository of information on all theologically trained women in India, to showcase to the churches the wealth of human resources we possess among us. The need to create scholarships for women in theological studies and to strengthen the implementation of existing opportunities in Churches and disseminate such information about opportunities – all these questions, ideas, and ways to make these ideas happen in the coming years, were discussed in the third *Meet & Greet* that took place at Bishop’s College in Kolkata on 24 Sep 2024, bringing together the available theologically trained women in the city.
It was a joyful fellowship and time to deepen our understanding of the challenges before us, as well as resolving to face these with united, pragmatic, and strategic approaches that kept in mind the principle of rising together while leaving no one behind.
We are thankful to Dr Sunil Caleb, Principal of Bishop’s College for hosting this gathering. We are also deeply grateful for the leadership of Mrs Papiya Durairaj, Associate Professor of New Testament in Bishops College for organising the gathering.
We are grateful for the participation of ordained women from CNI, the faculty of Bishops, and the masters and doctoral students of Bishops, in this gathering, enriching the depth of discussions with their wisdom and participation.