Call to observe ATTWI Founding Day

ATTWI calls on all church and ecumenical leadership to observe ATTWI Day annually on 22 February, to celebrate the legacy of women in ministry and the continued contributions of theologically trained women in India in many aspects of ministry both within ecclesiastical structures and otherwise.

45 years ago sixty theologically trained women of India representing various denominations met at Gurukul Lutheran Theological College and Research Institute, Madras (Chennai) for a conference from February 20 – 22, 1979 on the theme “Dare, Share and Act.” An ad hoc committee constituted to draft a Constitution on that day led to the formation of the Association of Theologically Trained Women of India under the leadership of Dr. Shanthi Solomon.

We at ATTWI call on all Churches, ecumenical organisations and theological institutions in India to observe 22 February every year as ATTWI Founding Day. The Sunday that falls during the week could be observed as ATTWI Sunday. Hence, this year February 23, 2025, will be observed as ATTWI Sunday.

A liturgical resource to help observe ATTWI Day/ ATTWI Sunday has been put together and can be downloaded here

It will be a great encouragement if you organise observances on your own initiative in your churches and institutions and invite the theologically trained women locally to join them as well. Send us photos of ATTWI observances you organise so that it can be featured in our Newsletter. 

Week-long observances starting from February 22nd are envisaged as part of this commemoration. Here are some of the ways this ATTWI Founding Day could be commemorated:  

  • meetings of theologically trained women in every city,
  • focus group discussions inviting the Christian community to discuss the role and contribution of women in ministry along with an introduction to ATTWI,
  • inviting theologically trained women to visit various churches on the ATTWI Sunday to speak about ATTWI to congregations to encourage them to support women for theological studies and various ministry roles, and   
  • identifying and honouring theologically trained women who have made immense contributions locally.

While remembering ATTWI and its activities on ATTWI Sunday, wherever possible, we encourage you to send the ATTWI Sunday offertory to ATTWI to support its ministries.

To send contributions collected towards the support of ATTWI kindly email [email protected] with copy to [email protected]

ATTWI Office Bearers, Regional Secretaries and Coordinators are planning activities locally on that day and the week following. We will be grateful for support to and contribution from ecumenical leaders, theological educators, and ecclesiastical leaders towards these endeavours when they call upon you. 

Now, more than ever, when the prophetic witness of women in the pulpit is being discussed, lauded and debated the world over, it is only fitting for us as Churches in India to celebrate 45 years of existence of ATTWI and to affirm historic milestones such as the founding of ATTWI that have paved the way for theologically trained women in India to step into their own and embrace the diverse callings God has given them. 

We are proud to belong to the churches in India who have embraced women in theologically spaces and fostered our empowerment and growth. We look forward to the continued support of ecclesiastical and ecumenical leaders, as well as the congregations and Christian community at large in this journey to bring justice, peace, and the reign of love in this world.

With hope and anticipation for joyous ATTWI Day observances across the country,

Jessica Richard

President – ATTWI